Rotary Club of Newport
2021-22 Meeting Archive
March 17, 2022- Regular Hybrid Meeting

Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon Hybrid Meeting- March 17, 2022
Today's Program:

Today's Meeting Links:
Today, the Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon met in a hybrid meeting at the Newport Elks Lodge. The greeter for today's meeting was Mareesa Barrett. President Richard O'Hearn awarded member Freddy Saxton his 5th Paul Harris. Great job Freddy!!. Today's program was the CEO of Samaritan North Lincoln and Pacific Communities Hospitals, Dr. Lesley Ogden. She gave an update on the pandemic, vaccination rates and upcoming upgrades to the local facilities.
Meeting Winners
Membership Incentive- Paul Schuytema
50/50 Raffle- Patti Eisler
Social Media- Megan Schain
December 9, 2021- Rotary of Newport Holiday Party
Almost 60 people attended the annual Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon Holiday Banquet held at the Hallmark Resort. Good food & drink, conversation and an interesting "white elephant" gift exchange dominated the night. Thanks to all who helped put on this fun night and a big thank-you to Doretta Smith who organized the banquet.
October 21, 2021- Regular Hybrid Meeting

Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon Hybrid Meeting- October 21, 2021
Today's Program:

Guy Faust
Member Spotlight

Sam Laurel
Oct. Student of the Month
Today, the Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon met in a hybrid meeting at the Newport Elks Club. The greeter for the meeting was Sylvia Pauly. Today's guest was District 5110 Assistant Governor John Moore. President O'Hearn reminded the club that October 24th is Rotary World Polio Day. The theme this year is "One Day. One Focus: Ending Polio." (See link below) Reyna Mattson introduced one of the October Students of the Month Sam Laurel. Sam talked about the importance of diversity in his life. The guest speaker was Guy Faust. Guy is a long time member of the club and gave a unique perspective and ideas on how to improve our club. Thanks Guy for your thoughtful ideas!!
Today's Meeting Links:
Meeting Winners
Membership Incentive- Howard Adams
50/50 Winner- Tonya Saxton
October 7, 2021- Regular Hybrid Meeting

Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon Hybrid Meeting- October 7, 2021
Today's Program:

Today, the Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon met for the first time in-person and on Zoom since August 19, 2021 at the Newport Elks Club. The greeter for the day was Aimee Thompson. Keith Nelson gave the Rotary Historical Minute. President O'Hearn welcomed everyone back to in-person meetings. Today's guest speaker was Dr. Lisa Ballance, Director Marine Mammal Institute at Oregon State University. Lisa described several research projects that the institute is involved in. OSU and our community is blessed to have Dr. Ballance as the lead administrator of the Marine Mammal Institute!!
Lisa Ballance PhD.
Director Marine Mammal Institute
Today's Meeting Links:
Meeting Winners
Membership Incentive- Jim Windell
50/50 Winner- Ken Fransen
Rotary Medallion- Ken Fransen
Rotary Sticker- Patti Eisler
September 30, 2021- Regular Zoom Meeting

Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon meets via Zoom on September 30, 2021.
Today's Program:
September Students of the Month

Anne Lackey
James Lackey
Today's Meeting Links:
Today, the Rotary Club of Newport met on Zoom with 34 members in attendance. Today's guest was Rilee Johnson. President-elect Sonia Graham filled in for President O'Hearn. After a discussion with members, it was decided that the club will return to in-person meetings starting next Thursday, October 7th. The meeting will be held at the Newport Elks Lodge and we will continue the Zoom option for members that cannot attend in-person. Today's program were the September Students of the Month Anne and James Lackey. Both students gave excellent speeches to the club.
Meeting Winners
Membership Incentive- Diane Nelson
50/50 Winner- Jeff Ouderkirk
September 23, 2021- Regular Zoom Meeting

Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon meets via Zoom on September 23, 2021
Today's Program:

Member Spotlight:
Jim Walker
Today's Meeting Links:
Today, the Rotary Club of Newport met on Zoom with 32 members in attendance. Today's guests were the September Students of the Month Anne & James Lackey and Rilee Johnson. The greeters for the day were Kathy and Dave Heater. Jon Zagel gave the Historical Minute, looking back what was happening eight years ago in the club. President O'Hearn announced that World Polio Day is September 25. Today's guest speaker was Jim Walker for a "Member Spotlight". Jim spoke about his career in education and his enormous amount of work for Rotary in our state. Jim also announced that he and Peggy will be moving from our area to Salem. The Rotary Club of Newport thanks Jim & Peggy for everything they have done for our community and Rotary!!
Meeting Winners
Membership Incentive- Doretta Smith
50/50- Richard O'Hearn
Rotary Badge- Sandy Roumagoux
Rotary Sticker- Keith Nelson
September 16, 2021- Regular Zoom Meeting

Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon meets via Zoom on September 16, 2021
Today's Program

Today, the Rotary Club of Newport met on Zoom with 31 members in attendance. Today's guests were the September Students of the Month Anne Lackey and James Lackey. The greeters for the day were Patti Eisler and Laura Kimberly. Patti Eisler also gave the Rotary Historical Minute. President O'Hearn urged members not to forget to donate the Rotary Foundation to help people around the world, "Every Rotarian Every Year". President O'Hearn also welcomed five new members to the club: David Adolf, Donald & Mareesa Barrett, Paul Schuytema and Charles Ellard. Welcome to the club!! Today's guest speaker was Oregon State Representative David Gomberg who gave an update on everything going on in House District 10. Thanks Dave for this important information.
Oregon State Representative
David Gomberg
Today's Meeting Links:
Two Ways to Give Online
Meeting Winners
Membership Incentive- Laura Kimberly
50/50- Gretchen Havner
Social Media- Ken Riley
September 9, 2021- Regular Zoom Meeting

Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon meets via Zoom on September 9, 2021.

Today's Program:
MaryKay Dahlgreen
Today, the Rotary Club of Newport met on Zoom with 43 members in attendance. The greeters for today's meeting were Sonia and Jim Graham. President O'Hearn shared a video on "Equity and Equality." It was announced that former Newport Rotarian, Don Butsch passed away on August 26th. Don was the 6th Newport Rotary Club President from 1959-60. Club members were invited to register for the SOLVE Yaquina Bay Riverside Cleanup on September 25th from 10am to 1pm. Today's guest speaker was fellow Rotarian MaryKay Dahlgreen who described the work of the Lincoln County Library District. Good job MaryKay!!
Today's Meeting Links:
Meeting Winners
Membership Incentive- Lola Jones
50/50- Don Barrett
Social Media- Keith Nelson
September 2, 2021- Regular Zoom Meeting

Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon meets via Zoom on September 2, 2021.
Today's Program:

Melissa Chown
South Lincoln CERT
Today, the Rotary Club of Newport met on Zoom with 23 members in attendance and 31 attending overall. The greeter for today's meeting was Sunnetta Capovilla. During the meeting, the club raised over $400 for Grace Wins Haven to assist the unhoused in Lincoln County. Great job Newport Rotarians!! Today's guest speaker was Melissa Chown, President of the South County Chapter of CERT(Community Emergency Response Team). Melissa described how the program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact our area. Thanks Melissa for all of your work!!
Meeting Winners
Membership Incentive- Jeremy Burke
50/50- Patti Eisler
Social Media- Jim Windell
Click here to see video of today's meeting.
August 26, 2021- Regular Zoom Meeting

Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon meets via Zoom on August 26, 2021.

Today's Program:
Mayor Dean Sawyer and City Manager Spencer Nebel discuss the proposed new taxes.
Click here to see video of today's program
Click here to see video of entire meeting.
Today, we returned to Zoom only meeting after several hybrid meetings with 30 members in attendance. Today's guests were Julia Dobies and Rilee Johnson. President O'Hearn announced that we will be meeting on Zoom until further notice due to the elevated COVID-19 cases in Oregon. Today's program was a presentation regarding the City of Newport Proposed Tax Measures led by Mayor Dean Sawyer and City Manager Spencer Nebel. Thanks to Dean and Spencer for all of the important information of these two proposals.
Meeting Winners
Membership Incentive: Guy Faust
50/50 Raffle: Carol Fransen
Social Media: Ken Riley
August 19, 2021- Regular Zoom Hybrid Meeting

Rotary Club of Newport, Oregon meets on August 19, 2021.

Today, the Rotary Club of Newport met at the Newport Elks Club for a hybrid Zoom meeting. President O'Hearn led the meeting via Zoom. This will be our final hybrid meeting until further notice with the rise of COVID-19 in our community. We will continue the Zoom meetings as before. Today's guest speaker was Angee Doerr from the OSU Extension Office and Sea Grant. Dr. Doerr described the work she is currently doing promoting and helping the local fisheries. Great presentation!!